Two international conferences are planned, one at mid term and one at the end of the project period.
The mid term conference will aim to present the results of the project’s research to an audience of mostly professionals and researchers in the field of cultural heritage, and receive feedback. The conference will also aim to start a debate on the topic of the project and stimulate a multicultural dialogue. The conference will be a two-day event and is scheduled to take place in Paris.
The end-of-project conference will aim to disseminate the results of the project and further promote the networking and cooperation between European museums and other organisations with an active interest in rural heritage. This conference will bring together a varied audience of researchers, museum staff and other cultural operators and experts, as well as the wider public and policy makers with responsibility for cultural heritage, rural development and environmental management. The conference will also promote the legacy of the project, based on a new European network that will complement the project partnership, aiming to continue the activities of the project beyond the project period and extend the opportunities for co-operation between European museums and cultural organisations devoted to the preservation and promotion of the European rural heritage. This conference is scheduled to take place in Athens, as a two-day event.
You can download the CANEPAL International Conference Proceedings using the following link:
Conference Abstracts V 1.0